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Writer's pictureGifford Thomas


“Self image sets the boundaries of personal accomplishment” – Maxwell Maltz

We have two images of our self. One is the external image, which shows up in the way we walk, talk, dress etc. and the other is the internal image, how we see ourselves in our mind. The internal image dictates our personal results, for example, a poor self-image will show up as poor results in life whereas a positive, strong self-image will deliver positive, strong results.

Our self-image is built partially by our genetics but more importantly by the way we grow through our childhood. If a child is raised with praise that child tends to grow into someone who likes herself, who understands herself, and who has a positive self-image. A child raised in an atmosphere of negativity and criticism tends to be super critical of herself, feels inferior, and doesn’t really understand herself; she has a poor self-image. However, we have the ability to improve our own image.

There is an image of perfection within each person, right at the center of his or her consciousness. The creative faculties we each have are often buried under piles of doubt and insecurities and we have to remove those negativities to allow the perfection to shine through. A person can enable that by studying himself or herself because the more we understand, deeply understand our self, the better the image we have of our self.

Image operates like a thermostat or autopilot mechanism. We have a programmed image, as a thermostat has a programmed set point and an autopilot is programmed with directions. Our sub conscious mind will always bring us back to our programmed image whenever we try to deviate from it. For example, lottery money winners who end up burning through their winnings because they, like all of us, are programmed with regard to their relationship with money.

Their programming is such that they have never seen themselves as extremely wealthy people so they sub consciously auto-adjust back to a financial level they are used to. The self-image is a key part of our paradigm and it literally controls our life.

To change the results you’re achieving in life, really examine your self-image. Is it consistent with the outcomes you want? If not, create a new self-image. Consciously and deliberately choose the kind of person you want to be.

Create a written description in the present tense; this is also known as “imagined reality”. Make yourself the star of your own movie script. Immerse yourself in the role and over time become the character you wish to portray. This applies equally well to teams as it does to individuals. A team with a powerful image becomes a powerful force within a company.

Powerful teams work together to create results; they don’t compete with each other to diminish the team performance. Harness the collective creative forces of a team for maximum effectiveness and maximum impact on the company bottom line. Coalescing a team around a common group image results in the whole team being greater than the sum of the individuals, and in turn that enables a measurably improved performance.

Where do you see opportunities to adjust your own image or that of your team to set yourself up for even greater success? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Originally Published on Merrett Davies International

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About the Author

Anne Phelan is founder and owner of Merrett Davies International. She brings a wealth of international, multifunctional, cross business experience to her clients, which she acquired over a 30+ year career working with both government organizations and multinational businesses.

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