Apple = Steve Jobs. Microsoft = Bill Gates. Facebook = Mark Zuckerberg. Tesla = Elon Musk. We all know and understand that no matter how big or small, a business is always identified by its leader. A leader is the face of not just the employees but also the values and morals the company stands for, the kind of relationship it wishes to build with its customers, and the type of business it wants to generate. This is true for Fortune 500 companies as well as a startup.
Over the past several years, I have had an opportunity to interact with hundreds of business leaders. While there was a lot to learn from each and every one of them, I also observed that there are a few basic qualities which all the successful leaders possess – I call these the Vitamin C of leadership. Let me share those qualities -
Conviction - This quality is what drives a leader towards his or her dreams, or the end goals. In fact, had it not been for a strong conviction about a possibility, the very business would not have started. Businesses deal with such high percentage of fluctuations and uncertainties that to remain grounded (and rather sane), the leader needs to firmly believe in the future, the team work, and the business plan.
Thus, right from how they execute their plans to their body language, everything shows that they are assertive and stand strong on their ideas. It's a strength and one example of leadership which truly personify it is of Indra Nooyi. Way back in 2006, when she became the CEO of PepsiCo, she realized that people will soon opt for a healthier lifestyle.
Convinced, she changed the company strategy to 'Performance with purpose', and introduced health beverages along with the other soft drinks even though Coca-Cola continued to offer sugar-based soft drinks. PepsiCo met with several challenges but Nooyi stuck to her new plan. Consequently, since 2011, PepsiCo stock is up by 70% while Coca-Cola has seen an increase of only 15%.
Courage - Courageous leaders don't mind taking risks. And they realize that it is the only way forward. This leadership quality is also necessary for inspiring the team members. When they see that their boss is leading from the front, they mobilize and work together for the same goals.
I am reminded of Alan Mulally, who took over Ford when the company was in a dire situation having lost $18 billion that year. It took a lot of courage on his part to alter the entire product line, automate processes, borrow $23.5 billion, and convince the Ford family to pledge their stocks. It resulted in Ford being the only car company which avoided bankruptcy and eventually became profitable – today, the same company is at the forefront of the connected cars revolution.
Commitment - Simply put, you cannot have leaders who don't show commitment. It is a primary quality which makes one a leader, in the first place. Unless a leader gives 100% towards every project being executed, towards every market situation cropping up, towards every business growth aspect, it is impossible to expect so from the team members in return.
A committed leader earns respect from everyone around. All achievers display this attitude. As John Thompson of Symantec says, "I believe that business is personal, that if you don't take it personally, you won't get anything out of it. If you don't get personally involved in what you get done - if you are not emotionally committed to it - it is unlikely that you are going to have a high degree of success". That is what a committed leader brings to an organization - a sense of belonging, passion, a desire to win - not just at the top level but across the strata.
Communication – Finally, a clear communication paves the way for the leader's vision and the company's mission statement to be followed by the employees. When can a leader communicate effectively? When he or she has clarity of thoughts. A sincere, heartfelt communication brings much energy to the workplace. Once that is in place, effective communication no longer remains limited to just speeches or emails. Instead, it further transcends to all verbal and non-verbal means of communication ranging from a simple feedback to an encouraging smile!
The other notable leadership qualities can probably be consciously learned to become a worthy leader. But the qualities I have mentioned above come more or less natural to a person. In fact, they turn these abilities into their biggest strengths and build their businesses on it.