When we align our subconscious programming with our conscious desires, we become the masters of our fates rather than the “victims” of our programs.
Take for instance a good friend of mine who grew up in an environment where his father's style of communication was shouting; always shouting at him and his brothers and sisters. Everything he did or didn’t do was met by shouting and this stayed with him in his adult years, right into management. His programming as a child produced an unconscious behavior of shouting at his staff that automatically manifested itself every time something problematic occurred. According to Dr. Linton, we are programmed to think in a certain way, to behave in a certain way right from childhood that restricts us from experiencing the life we want; 95% of our time is controlled by the subconscious mind and we use our conscious mind only 5% of the times, and our conscious mind is where our desires and aspirations live.
Dr. Linton further stated that 95 percent of our life comes from the subconscious program and all of us got programmed even before we were born. The most influential perceptual programming of the subconscious mind occurs from birth through age six. During that time, the child’s brain is recording all sensory experiences and learning complex motor programs for speech, crawling, standing, and advanced activities like running and jumping. Simultaneously, the child’s sensory systems are fully engaged, downloading massive amounts of information about the world and how it works.
By observing the behavioral patterns of people in their immediate environment—primarily parents, siblings, and relatives—children learn to distinguish acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors. It’s important to realize that perceptions gained before the age of six become the fundamental subconscious programs that shape the character of an individual’s life. Our thoughts have the power to determine our reality.
As a result, many of our leaders are walking around with limiting, false, unconscious self-beliefs adopted from their childhood and their early work environment that’s preventing them from becoming a very successful and influential leader. Many leaders up to this day still believe that leadership by authority, force or fear works; no other option exist.
How can one change their beliefs?
Cleve W. Stevens, a transformational leadership consultant to business leaders and the founder and president of Owl Sight Intentions, in Los Angeles stated that through guided group interactions and feedback, and, more important, through a rigorous process of deductive reasoning and self-honesty, these deeply embedded beliefs begin to give up the ghost, so to speak, and reveal themselves. Leaders examine past experiences, old and recent, and the past results they have generated in their lives, and they look for specific circumstantial patterns or consequences in their personal as well as leadership lives.
Once recognized, these patterns, such as chronic issues with certain types of employees or bosses or people in general, or recurring difficulties with certain types of business challenges or opportunities, open the door toward understanding basic beliefs about worth, talent, intelligence, goodness, personal power, and confidence. It amazing how your thoughts shape your life, shape your thinking and all your habits; good and bad. Be careful of what you let into your mind especially when you are leading people because ultimately, your thoughts will have a direct influence on your people, positively as well as negatively.
When one analyses the leadership of Starbucks or Whole Foods or Costco or Southwest Airlines or countless other organizations that believe in an different style of leadership that emphasizes employees first, it shows a change in the beliefs but it all begins with getting leaders to step back and consider who they really are, what really runs their lives and how they can consciously change their habits by becoming mindful of their thoughts and their unconscious behaviors.

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