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Writer's pictureGifford Thomas

Where Did You Get Your Leadership Philosophy From?

In 1919 when Belgium colonized Rwanda, they immediately set out to divide the people base on their appearance. The Belgians came in and restructured all of Rwanda to reflect their customs and how they wanted to rule. Before they invaded Rwanda there was no distinction between the Tutsi and Hutus; they were one ethnic group. The only difference between the two was that the Hutus were mostly agriculturalists and Tutsi were cattle breeders. The Belgians separated the people of Rwanda into these two races, even when they did not know the original tribes of the people. The Tutsis were considered the superior race because of their European-like features.

I can remember watching Hotel Rwanda, and I was utterly horrified by the number of people killed in the massacre during the 100 days from 7th of April to mid-July 1994. The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi and moderate Hutus, was mass slaughter. Members of the Hutu majority government directed it with an estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans killed; 70% of the Tutsi population. 

I read Immaculee Ilibagiza book Left to Tell, and I understood the underlining reasons that cause the genocide and the generational brainwashing of people who don't know and in many instances have no appreciation on how historical events shape the world's philosophy on leadership and life. 

The Origin of Leadership

The source of our modern day leadership is attributed to the Romans who adopted their leadership philosophies from the Greeks. Great thinkers of the Greeks like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, created the world’s theory of leadership that influence the way we lead today in our modern 21st-century organization and societies. These famous Greeks philosophers invented things like democrata, known as democracy. They were the first to develop the concept of citizenship, invented words like polites, known as politics and the first to study human control and manipulation techniques for instance. 

These great “thinkers” believe that if you were born with unique traits, you were automatically a leader. For example, they believe leadership is a result of inherent birth traits in the personality and nature of the individual. The majority who do not possess these traits are destined to be led. One example is if you were born with a sharp pointed nose, blue eyes, fair skin and thin lips you were born a leader. 

The Greeks also believe that certain people are chosen by the god's and appointed to the elite position of leadership over the unfortunate people. The Greeks believe leadership is reserved for the few chosen, by a divine power to control, manage and direct the life, future, fortunes, and aspirations of the unchosen. 

They believe that leadership is the product of a forceful personality. This theory emerges from the belief that leadership is the result of an authoritarian, no-nonsense, hard-driving, inpatient, quick-tempered and moody personality. This false perception comes from the idea that people are fundamentally incompetent and naturally lazy. They have got to be pushed to get things done. However, the evidence has always defied this belief, showing that people are most productive and cooperative when they are inspired rather than forced.

So, when the Roman Empire collapse, and Europe was formed and by the way, many of the European countries as we know it today, were all part of the Roman empire; the European countries naturally continued these misguided philosophies of leadership because of their beliefs. Colonization and killing of the people who were living in these countries were natural because they were not born with the traits, so they were not chosen by the Gods, and as a result, they were born a slave. If you ever wonder why slaves were treated as non-humans, you got your answer and why the world sat back and did absolutely nothing to stop the slaughter of innocent women and children in Rwanda. 

So the question I want to ask you is this: 

Where did you get your leadership philosophy from? What or who influence the way you lead? Do you or did you follow these leadership philosophies; no wonder why 80% of our workforce today is not engaged at their job. You know the Greeks were the ones who also introduce the word charisma which means “favor freely given" or "gift of grace." 

The Greeks believe that certain individuals who possess a unique measure of charisma are destined to lead. Those who are extroverts, who are magnetic speakers these are natural leaders. This theory has been accepted by many, even in our world today and it has frustrated the life of many as well. Some people wholeheartedly believe this nonsense, when some of our greatest leaders were and are very introverted people. 

Some people believe leadership is about power, dominance, rule, ask no questions, give no explanation; they believe they were born to rule and people should bow down and worship them. I have seen CEO's and people who called themselves leaders walk into a room for example and the room was automatically filled with fear; I tell you, the room became so stiff, like a starch shirt fresh from the dry cleaners, you could take a knife and cut the tension in half.

Some people feed off that kind of leadership for their own self-importance; fear and intimidation is the order of the day, and they rule with an iron fist with people afraid to even ask a question or make a suggestion.  “the way you think about people determine the way you lead them or destroy them” Dr. Myles Munroe.

What kind of leadership is that? How do you expect to get the best out of your people if the environment is so intimating? That’s not leadership; that’s a dictatorship. No one and I repeat no one should ever settle for that kind of situation and don’t let anyone fool you to believe no other options exist when the world is overflowing with opportunities. All you need is to get your thinking straight. 

It is so difficult to change some people philosophy on leadership because of their belief that was passed down from generation to generation. Leadership is about people and self-discovery, you were born to have dominion over your gifts, not people. Become a slave for your gift and serve that gift to the world. Inspiration is the highest form of leadership, and you become a leader when you are of service to the world, not by the number of people serving you. 

Be very wary of people who called themselves leaders, the colonizers tried and in many instances succeeded in their quest to divide the people based on their own twisted leadership thinking and perverted agendas. It’s up to us now to change these practices and mindset because leadership is all about people, inspiring people to believe in the impossible and inspiring people to have dominance over their gifts; never over people. 


About The Author

Gifford is the author of The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team To Believe In The Impossible, the founder of Leadership First, a member of Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and A leadership consultant with GLG. Follow our 45,000 + community of leaders on LinkedIn and download a copy of my book by following this LINK to become a leader who can inspire their team to believe in the impossible.

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